Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is there really such a thing as an unselfish good deed…

you know like letting a bee sting you? Training is still going great! I’m on track to get my 15 miles in this week and I’m feeling great. The other day as I was on one of my walks I was thinking about all the wonderful things I am going to benefit from participating in the 3 Day. It got me thinking….Is there really such a thing as an unselfish good deed? Insert flashback to the “Friends” episode where Phoebe let the bee sting her.

As I’ve said before, between the training and the actual walk I should logging close to 645 miles. Since having Kamden, which was almost 4 years ago, I’ve wanted to get back into shape and into a regular workout routine. Training equals getting into shape, goal accomplished. Since we have moved into this house, and the kids started accumulating things, I’ve wanted to de-clutter and get my house organized. We are planning on having a 3 Day garage sale. In order to find things to sell I need to go through this entire house. Getting house organized - check! In the last few years I’ve found it hard to find time just for myself. Well, now I have on the average of 6 to 8 hours a week all to myself. Participating in the 3 Day is going to challenge me in ways I haven’t challenged myself before. I believe it is through challenging yourself you find new courage to push yourself to try things you many never would have imaged and would otherwise miss out on.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Get Started Meeting

Well it’s no surprise I’m already a week behind on my blogging, but I’m right on track with my training. Last week’s training, which was officially Week One of the 24-week training program, went great. I was able to get all of my walks in while the kids were sleeping so I didn’t miss any time with them. I was nursing some minor shin splints but I think it had a lot to do with my shoes. I have an old, like 7 -10 yr old, pair of shoes I was wearing on my longer walks which I was doing outside. I won’t be making that mistake this weekend.

Last weekend, after getting our 3 miles in, Leslie and I attended a 3 Day get started meeting. I was of course in tears during most of it even though the meeting was very well scripted. They showed a video to give us a feeling of what we will experience during the 3 day walk and it made me gitty. The mentioned how they have sweeper vans that are available to take people to the next pit stop if they can’t make it on their own. Well my goal is not to have to use the vans to but be able to finish saying I walked ever inch of that 60 miles with my own two feet (cross your fingers that there are no injuries).

During the meeting I was already planning in my head other ways I could participate in the 3 Day in the future. When the meeting was over I turned and said to Les, “The next time we walk we should sign up for a walk in another state.” We are only two weeks in and it isn’t a question of IF but WHEN (I might have to wait a few years to get up the gumption to beg for money).
After the meeting I was supposed to get cracking on my fundraising but that hasn’t happened yet. I hope to get my donation letter drafted by early next week. We are also planning on having a 3 day garage sale in June and we are planning on soliciting people for the items they would normally give to Goodwill. Yet another thing I’m going to have to start working on next week.

When you register for the 3 Day you get a handbook, and another thing I will need to finish reading here soon, and on one of the first pages it gives you the background of Susan G. Komen. I didn’t realize that when she passed away she was 36yrs with 2 small children. I find it a little ironic I picked this year to do the walk….the year I’m 36yrs with 2 small children. It is sad to think this could just as well be my story and I know I’m nowhere close to being ready to leave them. Yet another reason to walk!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Let the Training BEGIN!

Let the training begin!

For those of you who really know me you know I’m constantly looking for new ways to improve, or to learn something new or challenge myself. A few years ago when I heard about the 3 Day Walk I thought to myself….hmmm, 60 miles in 3 days, I can and will do that. It was just a matter of finding someone crazy enough to join me on my quest, and I did. All I had to do was mention it to Leslie, a college roommate who turned out to be one of the best things I took away from college, and the next thing I knew we were registered. So it looks like this is going to be my year … that is if I can manage to raise the money.

If I’m honest I would have to say the thought of challenging myself to walk 60 miles in 3 days was what was motivating and intriguing me to take on this challenge. I also fully, heartily believe in the cause. My family has had its fair share of cancer victims, and I have participated in a number of cancer walks in the past, but nothing that is going to challenge me like what I’m about to embark on. As I registered I could hardly keep from tearing up and all I could think about is how I’m going to be a blubbering mess as I cross the finish line and head to the closing ceremony.

When I first reviewed the training guide I was overwhelmed and started to panic a little bit. I already feel like there isn’t enough time to spend with the kids, Mike, to keep up with house work, to have a social life and the list went on and on and on. All I had to do was to turn to Mike and the first words out of his mouth were, “You can do this. We’ll make it work.” Lord knows I wouldn’t be able to complete this dream/goal without him.

I’ve completed my first week of training which ended up being 15 miles, of the 645 slated for training and the walk, down. Tomorrow starts week two of training. I’m still nervous about raising all the money. I know I will finish the walk. Why do I know? because my aunt Cheryl, who lived with breast cancer for 10+ years before passing away, and two grandmothers will be with me every step of the way. I’m also walking for all the women in my life who have lost the battle, who have won the battle and those who may someday need to fight. I’m walking for my daughter in hopes that someday she doesn’t have to worry about fighting the fight. I walk for me, you and all among us so that one day we have one less thing to worry about.