Saturday, April 3, 2010

All Over the Place

The last few Saturday mornings I’ve had to do just about every “self-talk” trick in the book to lace up and get walking. A few weeks ago I was up at 6:30am bucking the wind for the first 2 miles. Last Saturday when I woke up it was gloomy and drizzling. This Saturday it looked beautiful out but was cool and windy. Needless to say these past few Saturdays I would have much rather stayed in bed or at least in the house until it warmed up a little.

Mostly I’ve been missing the snuggle time with my little love bug, Kamden. Normally in the mornings he gets out of bed and comes and crawls into bed with me. I miss our little morning rendezvous. Back in December I started working out in the morning so I looked so forward to the 3 days a week I could sleep in and lay there just waiting for him to come snuggle in. With each passing week my Saturday mileage is increasing which means I’m rearranging schedules and getting up early so I can get my walks in and still feel like I have time with my little ones. Unfortunately, the last few Saturdays my love bug cuddle time was missed. I’m going to do everything I can to continue our Sunday and Monday morning cuddle times….there are just a few things I can’t give up. I will be cherishing these times even more than I did before. After all, soon it isn’t going to be cool to cuddle with mom.

I’ve also started the hunt for a double jogging stroller. We went out today looking at a few. I just can’t bring myself to spend between $600-$250 for something I’m not even sure we will use. Both Kamden and Mattie love the outdoors but want to be doing instead of just sitting there watching stuff pass them by.

Most of this last week I spent creating a email distribution list, finishing my donation letter and sending out over 134 emails. I also went out and bought a few little extras to pretty up my envelopes I’m going to be sending my donation letters out in. I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to feel a little stressed about how I’m going to fit in all the training walks but begging for money is ten times more stressful.

I treated myself to my first pair of training shoes this week. My shin splints have been bothering so I knew it was time to move from the walking shoe to a high performance running shoe with good arch support. I was able to log my 5 miles today without any pain. It felt wonderful!

Next week Mike and I are planning a quick trip to Fargo. I’m going to need to get creative and figure out how I can get a quick trip and 11 miles in under 48 hrs.

Wish me luck!